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                   About Us
                Zhuhai shenjiuding Optronics Technologies Company is a high-tech industrial enterprise integrated with research, development, production and marketing. We are specialized in design and manufacture of TFT-LCD modules from 2.5” to 15” and CCTV cameras.

                Since established in 1998, our business concept that we always follow the market as the center, Science and technology as the guide, the quality to survival and the integrity to develop. We have hold the most advanced correlative core technologies and accumulated rich practice experience after many years of tireless efforts.

                We have many customers in many countries and areas throughout South-Eastern Asia, Middle East and Europe and the United States. In order to satisfy difference requirements from customers and ensure the quality of products, we take strict inspection measures from raw material to final goods. We are not only got the certificate of ISO90012000, but founded R&D center of LCD and cameras modules included 10 software engineers and 10 hardware engineers in 2004Y.

                Our LCD modules are widely used in security systems, video door phones, telecommunications, car DVD and portable DVD players, electronic home appliances, monitors, lcd advertising player and POS displays and so on.

                Our goal is not only to meet your requirements, but to exceed your expectations. Keep to principle “Promise is Promise “. We invite you to contact us and Look forward to the opportunity of establishing long term business relationship with you base on equality and mutual benefit.