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                   About Us

                Zhuhai Shenjiuding Optronics Technologies Co., Ltd. was established in 2013, formerly name Shenzhen Xinjiuding Optronics Technologies Co., Ltd., which was established in 1998. Our company built our own 30000 m2 Tech Park in 2013, Zhuhai city. And we moved the whole factory to Zhuhai from Shenzhen, started to used new company name “Zhuhai Shenjiuding Optronics Technologies Co., Ltd.” in same time.
                Since Shenjiuding establishment, we always have been focusing on the development and design of software and hardware related products in the field of image processing, such as TFT LCD driver, video intercom camera module and TCP/IP video intercom system. We are one of the few professional suppliers in the field of R&D, production and sales of TFT LCD driver solution, camera module and video intercom system.

                At present, the LCD driver solution is mainly include small size LCD proudcts , such as 2.4 inch, 4.3 inch, 5 inch, 5.6 inch, 7 inch, 8 inch and 10.1 inch. Most of these products are used intercom system products, small display monitors and other color displaying devices. The main signal input is AV input, VGA input, DVI input, HDMI input.

                The camera module products are mainly divided into CVBS camera module, AHD camera module, USB camera module, MIPI camera module and digital camera modules. All the products are mainly used in video intercom products, web cameras, bar code scanners, ATM machines, face recognition equipment, CCTV dome cameras and related products.

                The video intercom solution includes 4-wire villa intercom, 2-wire villa intercom and TCP/IP intercom system, used for villas, apartments, buildings, community of video intercom solutions.

                As a manufacturing enterprise, the factory covers a total area of about 4,000 square meters, with 4 SMT production lines, 5 assembly lines and 2 testing lines. There are 103 employees, including 12 senior R & D engineers and 8 professional QC engineers. Our company strictly comply with the ISO9001 quality management system for production, and obtained the national high technology enterprise qualification in 2016.

                Our company relies on constant innovation of professional development, the keen market judgment, enthusiasm sincere marketing team, and perfect after-sales service to keep good relationship with many manufacturers in mainland China. We have expanded oversea market successfully, such as Russia, Middle East, South America, Europe, Asia and North America. It established a strong customer network and provide for the company's development, laid a solid foundation for powerful economic and market.

                Shenjiuding will always be committed to providing you the best service with high quality products.