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                Company History

                Company History

                ? 1998 shenzhen nanshan district, shenzhen jiuding optoelectronic technology establishment.

                1998 sharp decoding IC development center.

                1998 one of the most valuable promoters of sharp's decoding IC in 1998.

                ? 1999 the first color LCD driver solution was announced in China in 1999.

                ? 2000 became the Chinese mainland yuan and yoda recognized the distributor.

                ? 2001 increased capital from 1 million RMB to 1.5 million RMB in 2001.

                ? 2002 announced the v-ram data bus solution in the IPC domain.

                2003 preparation of iso 9001:2000 certification.

                ? 2004 relocation of new plant, renamed xin jiuding photoelectric technology.

                ? 2005 design and production of CCD camera module in 2005.

                2006 in order to meet the production needs in 2006, set up samsung automation SMT workshop,

                2006 the sales volume was high, reaching over 20 million usd, and the total Rohs production was corresponding.

                ? 2007 r&d and promotion of digital screens in 2007, and completion of 2.5-15 at the end of the year.

                ? 2008 completed the research and development of digital module and image storage module with word bank in 2008.

                ? 2009 the amount of capital in 2009 increased from 1.5 million RMB to 10 million RMB.

                2010 prepare for the approval of iso 9001:2008.

                ? 2011 the company's camera division developed significantly and independently developed high-tech products including 22X (Effio) and ITN gun (wide color temperature).

                ? 2012 in 2012, zhuhai shenzhen jiuding technology park was completed, covering an area of nearly 40,000 square meters.

                2013 the company independently developed and produced the hd-sdi camera, and implemented and launched the integrated management platform of deep jiuding simulation, digital (IP, hd-sdi).

                2014 the whole relocation of zhuhai xiangzhou district was renamed as "zhuhai shenjiuding optoelectronic technology co., LTD."; And in October, through SO9001:2008 certification.

                ? 2015 S5 (SJD 5th generation) digital visual intercom TCP/IP system was launched.

                2016 I was awarded the qualification of national high-tech enterprise.

                2017 the whole digital villa access control system will be introduced, as well as 4K screen and driver.