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                "Nine square meters" can also show our style

                Column:Company news Time:2018-09-30

                In order to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Shenzhen Jiuding Optoelectronics, it is also better for the world. At the beginning of 2018, we began planning for the Hong Kong Spring and Autumn Fair.

                After several months of fighting day and night, we developed and launched a series of camera modules and LCD modules, high-definition, AHD, wide dynamic, digital XI module solutions and wireless doorbell solutions are also basic Upon completion, the product's effect has been recognized by many customers.

                If you are also interested in our products, if you are also looking for these products, please come to our exhibition, you want to know, what you want to have, here will be presented to you.

                Address: AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong

                Time: October 11-14, 2018

                Booth No.: Hall 2, 2P35

                Previous: 2021 CPSE in Shenzhen
                Next: Company video